Thursday 13 October 2016

Mr. Murphy's Fire safety talk for fire Prevention Week 2016!!!

We talked about fire safety rules:

1. Never go back for a toy
2.Stop drop and roll
3. Stay low
4.Never hide
5. Go outside to a meeting place
6.Don't open a door if it's too hot!!

Monday 5 September 2016


Welcome back to school!!  I am so excited to be back after summer break!!  I am pleased to announce that this fall I have an intern from Memorial working with me, her name is Julia Sears.  I know she will be a welcome addition to our Grade One classroom!!  This year I have moved classrooms.  I am one room down than I was for the last five years. Here are some pictures of my new classroom.  I am so blessed that my classroom is spacious and gives me the opportunity to try flexible seating this year.  I am really excited about that!

I am looking forward to meeting my new students this year, only two more sleeps!!!

Tuesday 15 March 2016




Here are some pictures of us designing our leprechaun blueprints.  While some were designing others were working in our Literacy block!!

Monday 22 February 2016

Here is a video from our Arts Smarts when Catherine was working with us!!  We had so much fun!!
I can't believe it is almost March!!  A new calendar will be going home later this week.  I wanted to make sure everyone received the note about Nevaeh.  Our school is selling Lemonade on Friday to support her Lemonade stand.  The minimum donation is 50 cents. The students will only receive one glass of lemonade.  Today we made cards for her also.  We had a wonderful discussion about why it is so important to help others.  What beautiful children!!!  I have attached the flyer as well.

By now most everyone has received new sight words these are up to date.  I have just finished checking them.  I have 3 more students to check and I am hoping to do those children tomorrow.  Please keep reading nightly and practicing sight words it is so important to your child's reading development.  A couple of weeks ago I had to delete drop box from all my devices.  So there are some videos that are on my webpage that may no longer work.  I am trying to figure out a way around this.  Thanks for your patience. I have not blogged much lately because of my computer issues but I am back on track now and I will be posting as soon as I finish here.

In math we are finishing measurement and we are learning about numbers to 100.  In science we are beginning a new unit about objects and materials.  In social studies we are learning about natural and constructed features and how natural resources such as water are important to us and our daily lives.

We will have another student recognition assembly this Friday afternoon at 1:15. Pink shirt day is Wednesday, March 24th of this week.  So even if your child does not have a bullying t-shirt please have them wear pink to support the cause.

We will also be beginning lessons on digital citizenship tomorrow. 
As we complete each lesson I will be sending home a family information sheet and a do it together sheet on the other side with activities that you may complete at home with your child.  They do not need to be returned to me. 

Don't forget about the 50/50 tickets that have been distributed.  They need to be returned by March 11th and the draw will take place March 17th.  Thanks for all your support!!  Have an awesome week!!

Sunday 24 January 2016

This week...

Hello everyone,

On Tuesday of this week we will be going snowshoeing with our Grade 4 buddies in the afternoon so please wear snow pants or a snowsuit, hat, mitts and boots. We are going to have a great time.  Hopefully the weather works with us this time. 

Over the last couple of weeks I have been reading with the students and the amount of progress they have made is amazing.  Please encourage your child to keep reading and using Raz kids.  They should be able to read for at least 5 – 10 minutes each night.  Reading every night is the key to making progress!!  I am currently listening to sight words with each student.  Please continue to practice all the sight words. 

In Math we are adding and subtracting numbers to 12.  We are learning about the senses in Science.  Winter safety is discussed all the time and the students are becoming experts in this subject area.

Just a reminder that the only day toys should be coming to school is on Friday. 

I have added a blend and diagraph page to my website.  There are videos here to watch and a reference page like the one I sent home about blends and diagraphs.  We are now finished learning about the sounds the short vowels make and after blends we will move to the long sounds the vowels make and the rules that go with them.

I have added a couple of new videos.

Our Art Smarts project with local artist Catherine Wright will begin the first week in February!!  This will be my fourth time working with Catherine.  She is a wonderful artist and I know the students will love working and learning with her.

Information about Valentine’s Day and the 100th day of School will come later.

Thank you for all your support, we are half way through our school year!  Where has the time gone?  Have a great week!!

Mrs. Murphy

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Sailor the Hangashore Newfoundland Dog

Since we were discussing sequencing Mrs. Morgan stopped by for a visit and she read the book, Sailor the Hangashore Newfoundland Dog.  Then we wrote about the beginning, middle and end of our story.  After we discussed the message that the author was trying to tell us.  We decided that her message was to not take part in dangerous or unsafe activities such as copying ice pans or playing on a snowbank to close to the street!  Great message, critical literacy at work!!

Thanks for visiting Mrs. Morgan!!!

Making Ice Cream!!

Hi, Last week we were learning about sequencing.  We talked about sequencing the order of events in a story or mapping the story.  We talked about a recipe and how it is written so that people know what they need and how to complete the task.  Last Friday we made ice cream!!  It was awesome!  We discussed what we needed and the tools we would need to use.  Then we looked at the steps we needed to follow to make our ice cream.  Everyone had a really good time doing this.  It also tied in nicely with our science lessons about our senses.  Here are some of the pictures from our ice cream making!!




Lots of fun!!

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Some before Christmas pictures

My dad reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas

December Student Achievement Award winner Caleb

December Student Achievement Award winner Logan

January notes

Happy New Year everyone!! 
 I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with family and friends! I must admit I am happy to be back to a routine.  I have sent home a baggy book for each child to read today.  I am not going to send home the reading log until next week.  As well, beginning next week there will be a homework folder sent home every Monday and the work is to be done each night as well as the nightly reading.  Please return the folder on Fridays.  The homework for the whole month will be in the folder. Only complete the work one week at a time.  Everything in the homework has been taught in class.  The homework should be able to be completed by your child in about 15 minutes. At the back of the folder there is a new reading record where you can record your child's nightly reading.  I am in the process of reading with your child and listening to their sight words.  I expect some levels to definitely be changing in the next week or two!!:)  We are beginning a mini unit of study on snowmen.  On Thursday we are doing Snowga!!  It is yoga to accompany the book Snowmen at Night.  Please have your child dress in comfortable gym clothes.  This term I am hoping to do yoga with the children on Day 7 in our schedule.  We have a class set of yoga mats.  I am also hoping to have a day to build snowmen outside and then complete some writing about their snowmen, and maybe a few other winter surprises!! 
Tomorrow in Math we are beginning subtraction.  Please continue to practice adding and subtracting numbers from 18 with your child.  We are on day 72 on our count to the 100th day. Friday will be our show and share day.  Please have your child choose one item to bring to school.  It must fit inside a book bag.  Please no electronics.  I told them if they had their heart set on bringing an electronic or something that might not fit in their bag I told them to take a picture of it and email it to me so I can show it on the board when they are speaking.  Encourage your child to practice what they are going to say to their audience.  Where the object came from, who gave it to them, why they love it, why they chose it, etc.  I am looking for eye contact with their audience, knowledge about their topic, how fast they talk, etc.  I will be observing for these things but they are 6 and 7 years old so this is an introduction to speaking in front of an audience and I want them to be comfortable but to learn some skills also.
We are moving to our last vowel sound short e.  Videos for this will be posted soon.  As well all our diagraphs are taught:  sh, ch, th, wh, ph and ck. We are doing blends now.  I will send home a reference sheet for these tomorrow for your child to keep at home.  I am also beginning to work on alphabetical order and how to use the alphabet.  Once our vowels are done I will move into vowel teams and flipping the vowel strategies. 
I am moving into work on writing during our daily 5.  I am so excited to do this!! We will be learning more about it this week!!  We work for about thirty minutes each day independently reading and practicing our sight words now writing will be included!!  During this time I get to work with small groups to help them learn. 
Please continue to dress your child for outside days.  Thank you for all your continued support!!
Nicole Murphy
Grade One Teacher
Mary Queen of the World School