Sunday 4 October 2015

What a great day we had on Friday!!  We have spent the last couple of days investigating apples.  We taste tested six different kinds; Gravenstein, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Gala, Granny Smith and McIntosh.  We learned that they all have different tastes.  We discovered that apples float and we even made an apple erupt!!!  That was cool!!

This week we are going to explore Thanksgiving and discover all the things in our lives we are thankful for.  We are also working on the at word family.  Please remember to read each night and practice your sight words. 

There is a book order going home tomorrow and I have subscribed to Scholastic pay so parents can pay on line to make things a bit easier.  I will be beginning the flipped classroom videos tomorrow.  they are posted on the link to the right.  Please have your child watch them Monday night as part of their home work. Then have them make a list of as many at family words as they can remember from the videos and bring them to school the next day. 

Friday is a Professional Development Day and Monday is Thanksgiving so their will be no school for students on either Friday or Monday of next week.

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